There are a lot of ways to get inspiration, and not all of them will work for everyone, but hopefully some of these will be a little helpful.
Remember the two golden rules: read a lot. Write a lot. Reading other books is always a huge source of inspiration, so if you’re not feeling that spark, put your face in a book for a while.
Next, write in a journal. I found it hard to keep a handwritten journal, so I journal on my computer. Even though I write fantasy, I do find things in my ordinary life that have given me some good writing ideas, or just set me off on some kind of writing rant. This will help you form a writing habit, and help you break out of “writer’s block.”
Write down your dreams. So much inspiration comes from the weird trips our brains take us on at night. I had recurring dreams about mansions for as long as I can remember. These have inspired rooms in the mansion, side stories, characters, all kinds of things. If you have trouble remembering your dreams, try telling your brain to remember something before you fall asleep. It might not help right away, but you can actually train your brain this way. Just keep practicing.
Try out other creative projects, even if you’re not good at them. I’ve drawn pictures of my characters. I’ve made clay figures. I have an adult coloring book, I’m even sewing my own Summer’s Angels dress. Aside from being a writer, and formerly a dancer, I’m not all that artistic. But these side projects are fun, and they get your creative juices flowing. You’re keeping your brain open to new things. Just don’t let these side projects distract you from writing.
Some of my side projects:
Remember the two golden rules: read a lot. Write a lot. Reading other books is always a huge source of inspiration, so if you’re not feeling that spark, put your face in a book for a while.
Next, write in a journal. I found it hard to keep a handwritten journal, so I journal on my computer. Even though I write fantasy, I do find things in my ordinary life that have given me some good writing ideas, or just set me off on some kind of writing rant. This will help you form a writing habit, and help you break out of “writer’s block.”
Write down your dreams. So much inspiration comes from the weird trips our brains take us on at night. I had recurring dreams about mansions for as long as I can remember. These have inspired rooms in the mansion, side stories, characters, all kinds of things. If you have trouble remembering your dreams, try telling your brain to remember something before you fall asleep. It might not help right away, but you can actually train your brain this way. Just keep practicing.
Try out other creative projects, even if you’re not good at them. I’ve drawn pictures of my characters. I’ve made clay figures. I have an adult coloring book, I’m even sewing my own Summer’s Angels dress. Aside from being a writer, and formerly a dancer, I’m not all that artistic. But these side projects are fun, and they get your creative juices flowing. You’re keeping your brain open to new things. Just don’t let these side projects distract you from writing.
Some of my side projects:
Making clay figures or drawing your characters is a great way to take a break from writing while still staying inside the world of your story. This keeps your brain active while allowing the writing parts to rest, which gives you a good window for inspiration's light to shine into.
There are tons of ways to help your brain mellow out—many of them are as simple as a cup of tea. A lot of people get great thinking done in the shower. Getting in touch with nature is always helpful. Exercise is good for the mind and body. Meditation. Music is a big one for me. Why do you think I start the week featuring a favorite song of mine? It’s not just to make alliteration.
There’s really no limit to what might give your mind that little extra boost. Experiment, find out what works for you, and have fun!
There’s really no limit to what might give your mind that little extra boost. Experiment, find out what works for you, and have fun!