I'll say it again, I'm an author, not an artist! So this drawing is actually pretty damn good, for my lack of skills!
“Savannah, over here.” Ellie beckoned her to a door leading to a long, stone hallway. While most of the hall was the same stone as the main room, some of the doors had strange patches of redness spilling out onto the floor from beneath them. It wasn’t liquid, it looked like the floor was slowly changing color.
The twins opened the first door. Savannah jumped at the sight of the stone teddy bear looking right at her. “What?” Ellie said. “Wait… Is this—is this the same room?”
“Yeah,” Savannah said, backing up. “Let’s try this one.” She tested the next door. This one had that strange patch of red beneath it, and while it felt like a warning, maybe it meant the door led somewhere new. Yet when she opened it, the girls found themselves looking into the same stone room.
“One of these has to go somewhere.” Savannah tried to open a window in a wall, but nothing happened.
“What’s wrong?”
“I can’t look through the walls. It must be something about this house.”
“There’s only one left,” Ellie said. “What do we do if it doesn’t lead somewhere else?”
“I guess we explore the room behind it, no matter what,” Savannah said. “Maybe it only looks like the same room, but it isn’t.”
Ellie nodded, took a deep breath, and swung the door open. “I hope this is another dimension,” she said, stepping into the stone room again. “Same creepy teddy bear, same furniture… wait. Was that door always there?”
On the other side of the room stood a narrow, red door. “I don’t think so,” Savannah said.