Hey there, writer friend. November ended just a couple days ago. I know you've got a lot to think about, what with the holidays and all that, but remember that story you just wrote? NaNoWriMo? Remember that?
Of course you do. You've been busting your ass all month to finish it. What's that? You didn't finish? Or maybe you did--maybe you hit your goal word count, but you didn't really finish. But whether you only wrote a page, or you were one tiny word away from finishing, or you did finish but need to edit, please, please don't let your story die.
Now, I'm not saying you have to pick it up again right now, or even tomorrow. But let's make a promise right now that you won't let it sit collecting metaphorical dust (because it's on your computer, right?). You didn't write that just so you could get that NaNoWriMo badge, and a round of applause. You wrote it because you are a brilliant creative mind with a story to tell. You wrote it because you're characters are screaming too loudly to be ignored. You wrote it because it's who you are, and what you love. You wrote it because you are an author.
If you only want a moment of recognition, or to prove to yourself that you can finish what you start, that's okay too. If this was just something to try for fun, and now you're ready to let it evaporate into the void, go ahead. But ask yourself first what you learned from it. Who did you become while you were writing? Did you like that person? Are you ready to let that person go, along with your story?
You don't have to open it again right now, or even tomorrow. But let's make a promise not to forget about it. Set a date to start again. You're an author, and the world needs your story.
Of course you do. You've been busting your ass all month to finish it. What's that? You didn't finish? Or maybe you did--maybe you hit your goal word count, but you didn't really finish. But whether you only wrote a page, or you were one tiny word away from finishing, or you did finish but need to edit, please, please don't let your story die.
Now, I'm not saying you have to pick it up again right now, or even tomorrow. But let's make a promise right now that you won't let it sit collecting metaphorical dust (because it's on your computer, right?). You didn't write that just so you could get that NaNoWriMo badge, and a round of applause. You wrote it because you are a brilliant creative mind with a story to tell. You wrote it because you're characters are screaming too loudly to be ignored. You wrote it because it's who you are, and what you love. You wrote it because you are an author.
If you only want a moment of recognition, or to prove to yourself that you can finish what you start, that's okay too. If this was just something to try for fun, and now you're ready to let it evaporate into the void, go ahead. But ask yourself first what you learned from it. Who did you become while you were writing? Did you like that person? Are you ready to let that person go, along with your story?
You don't have to open it again right now, or even tomorrow. But let's make a promise not to forget about it. Set a date to start again. You're an author, and the world needs your story.