How is a thirty-year-old lady supposed to act? I mean, I know how a thirty-two-year-old lady should act. Maybe I'll just emulate Jenna.
So, I don't really know what else to do today than share some random thoughts of mine. Things that have been on my mind, but aren't a whole blog. Some of these are tips.
- First off, it's weird how after having a great day with someone, they don't become annoying if all they do is talk about how great the day was. Despite being repetitive, it's nice. It's like, the opposite of complaining.
- There's only two kinds of people in the world: people who think the world can be split into two kinds of people, and people who know the world is a lot more complicated than that.
- I think it's weird how my real life is so concrete and solid sounding. I work for a steel company. I sing bass. It sounds quite grounded. But I'm all about floating around on clouds, and living in fantasy.

- No one should have brought my attention to this quote, because I like it waaaay too much.
- I'm always way more impressed with people who accomplish great things later in life than those who peak at thirteen. Like, everyone's telling you it's too late, but you're just like, nah, I've finally wandered around enough to have figured out this is the thing I'd like to do. Letting one thing consume your life when you're super young is, well, super risky.
- I'd love to write a story from Lindsey's perspective about how weird her dad is, and the day a new friend dropped into her backyard. Maybe even all journals. I'd call it "Out of the Sky. We'll see.
- If you're going to be super negative sometimes, make sure to be super positive for the opposite times. For example, if you get really down on yourself for your failures, be sure to celebrate the crap out of your successes. If you complain and throw a fit about bad customer service, be sure to be really appreciative and express your gratitude for good customer service. Acknowledge your "on" days as much as your "off" days. Be energetic as often as you're tied. At least try this as a starting point for self-improvement.

- This quote doesn't know how stupid it is. Like, if travel was free, you would see me ALL THE TIME. Does this person not have any far away friends?
- I wish someone would have told me as a kid that grown-ups also have to work on controlling their emotions, and use the skills they learned as a kid. Because whenever I got angry, and someone told me to "take a deep breath and count to ten," I felt soo talked down to. Now I think a lot of adults need to go back to kindergarten.
- I want to write more "holiday shorts." Like, I have "Josephina's Guide to Magic for Kids," (Halloween-ish), and I have "The Wishing Star" (Christmas). Maybe one about Belinda, from the perspective of one of her kids. Because, fun fact: both the holiday shorts I've written feature minor characters from the Crossworlds series. Josephina and Janet will be seen again in Crossworlds books that haven't yet been published.
- I'm actually a time traveller, so my age is irrelevant.
- And lastly, it's my birthday, so get my books! The Mansion's Twins is free this week!