We’re taking a close look at the twelve gifts, starting with the twins’ gifts, and then making our way through the poem:
The Lady Illusion gave us a set of twelve
Twelve children, twelve months, and twelve gifts as well
Inner and outer vision, levitation
Fire, water, transformation
Glowing, healing, communication
Singers, dancers, model makers
The Lady Illusion gave us a set of twelve
Twelve children, twelve months, and twelve gifts as well
Inner and outer vision, levitation
Fire, water, transformation
Glowing, healing, communication
Singers, dancers, model makers
This month, it’s Ellie’s gift—levitation. Rose made a similar gift-focused series, so first off, let’s take a peek in her notebook:
The gifted tend to be optimistic and high-spirited, and their attitude is contagious to those around them. However, they can also be reckless, and don’t always think things through before making important decisions.
Yeah, that sounds like Ellie. She was a little disappointed to learn that her gift is considered on of the magical “basics,” along with outer-vision and the glow. It is a common gift, but a practical one, and Ellie’s perspective of it shifts when she learns it was also her mother’s gift. Both Ellie and her mother aspired to flight, which is considered the high level of this gift. No levitator in history has achieved this level of magic, but, optimistic as they are, levitators don’t take the word “impossible” too seriously.
The gifted tend to be optimistic and high-spirited, and their attitude is contagious to those around them. However, they can also be reckless, and don’t always think things through before making important decisions.
Yeah, that sounds like Ellie. She was a little disappointed to learn that her gift is considered on of the magical “basics,” along with outer-vision and the glow. It is a common gift, but a practical one, and Ellie’s perspective of it shifts when she learns it was also her mother’s gift. Both Ellie and her mother aspired to flight, which is considered the high level of this gift. No levitator in history has achieved this level of magic, but, optimistic as they are, levitators don’t take the word “impossible” too seriously.
They say there are two sides to magic, so what does that mean for levitation?
If I can open walls, I can close them. If Ellie can lift things up, she can bring them down.
That line might sound silly or devastating, depending on how much of The Mansion’s Family you’ve read. But, however it may sound, levitations flipside is just bringing things down. This can be used as part of the process of cleansing spaces of old magic, but most levitators don’t need to explore this part of their gift.
Levitators have a great deal of choice in life, as their gift doesn’t demand dedication the way some others do. Some choose to use it in their careers, while others just view it as a convenient way to get snacks without leaving the couch. Levitation is theoretically “linked” to water and glowing. It is often symbolized by a bird, a balloon, or wings.
Levitators have a great deal of choice in life, as their gift doesn’t demand dedication the way some others do. Some choose to use it in their careers, while others just view it as a convenient way to get snacks without leaving the couch. Levitation is theoretically “linked” to water and glowing. It is often symbolized by a bird, a balloon, or wings.
Fun Fact About the Twelve Gifts:
What does it mean to be gifted? Your gift is considered to be the magic you’re naturally best at. Some people are born gifted, but for most people, gift discover occurs in childhood, usually between the ages of five and eight.